Facebook Popup Like Box For Your BlogSpot 2014 postheadericon

Facebook Popup Like Box For Your BlogSpot 2014

Well here i am making a Facebook like popup box for blogger which is also nice to install.When you install it it and when someone visit you any blog page it will display on the front which ask you to like the page and its very simple and clean.

So you have to do these steps to install it on your blogger blog

          1.  Go to blogger dashboard  >  Layout
          2.  Now click on  >  Add a gadget
          3.  A box will appear select  >  HTML/Java Script box by scrolling until you find it
          4.  Now paste this code into the box and click on  >  Save

Remember, At end of this code you will find Teck92  words replace it with your own fb like page username.

Social Button For Your Blogger Cool Style 2014 postheadericon

Social Button For Your Blogger Cool Style 2014

Today I am going to share with you Social Bookmarking Buttons Codes for your blog,By using these Social media Buttons Codes you can easily add social media buttons to you website-blog without using any WordPress Plugin,Using plugin’s for every thing is not a good idea,When you can extend the functionality of WordPress without using any plugin.

I’ll gives you a basic idea of,How to add these Social Bookmarking Buttons Codes in different kind of WordPress themes.Well if you are a normal WordPress Theme user you need to add Below codes inside of your Single Post (single.php) After <?php the_content(); ?> Statement.
If you are Thesis Theme user just copy below php code and paste under you custom_function.php and add below written code in place of “Add your codes Here“.

function after_post_social_buttons() {
if (is_single()) { ?>
Add your codes Here
php }
add_action('thesis_hook_after_post', 'after_post_social_buttons');

Social Bookmarking Buttons Codes

1.Retweet Count Button Code

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://tweetmeme.com/i/scripts/

2.Digg Count Button Code

<a class="DiggThisButton"> ('<img src="http://digg.com/img/diggThis.png"
height="80" width="52" alt="DiggThis" />')</a>
<script src="http://digg.com/tools/diggthis.js" type="text/javascript">

3.StumbleUpon Count Button Code

<a href="http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=<?<span class=">php</a><a href="http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=<?<span class="> the_permalink(); ?></a>
&title=php the_title(); ?>"><img src="http://cdn.stumble-upon.com/" alt="" />
images/32x32_su_solid.gif" alt="StumbleUpon.com"/></a>

4.Delicious Save Count Button Code

<img src="http://static.delicious.com/img/delicious.small.gif"
height="10" width="10" alt="Delicious" />
<a href="http://delicious.com/save" onclick="window.open('http://
the_permalink() ?>')+'&title='+encodeURIComponent('
'),'delicious', 'toolbar=no,width=550,height=550'); return false;">Delicious Save</a>

5.DZone Count Button Code

<script language="javascript" src="http://widgets.dzone.com/links/

6.DesignFloat Count Button Code

<script type="text/javascript">submit_url = "<?php the_permalink();
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.designfloat.com/evb2/

7.fShare Count Button Code

<a name="fb_share" type="box_count" href="http://www.facebook.com/
sharer.php">Share</a><script src="http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/connect.php
/js/FB.Share" type="text/javascript"></script>

8.Reddit Count Button Code

<a href="http://www.reddit.com/submit" onclick="window.location = '
http://www.reddit.com/submit?url=' +encodeURIComponent(window.location);
return false"> <img alt="" />src="http://www.reddit.com/static/spreddit1.gif"
alt="submit to reddit" border="0" />

9.Technorati Button Code

<a href="http://technorati.com/faves?sub=addfavbtn&add=http://
nameofmyblog.wordpress.com"><img alt="" />src="http://static.technorati.com/
pix/fave/tech-fav-1.png" alt="Add to Technorati Favorites" /></a>

10.Blog Engage Count Button Code

<script type="text/javascript">submit_url = "<?php the_permalink();
?>";</script><script src="http://blogengage.com/evb/button.php">

How to Write a Great Blog Post 7 Best Tips postheadericon

How to Write a Great Blog Post 7 Best Tips

Best 7 tips for blogger think about it. The possibilities are endless. Blog post tips don't always come easy, yet it's essential to keep producing regular, unique, quality content for your blog if you want to build readership and rankings.Your readers and subscribers won't come back unless new content appears regularly, and Google is looking for relevancy and freshness - which means regular updates (a few times a week minimum if you can!) are essential.

Here are a few 'Blog Post Idea Formulas' for those days when you've run out of ideas and need a little nudge to get your blogging juices flowing.

  1. Write a List: This one's always popular - fun to check out and interesting to read. Try 'top 10...', '5 best ways to...' or '21 Tips for...'. Alternatively, get creative - Everybody loves a good list post.

  2. Review Something: Reviews can be useful, interesting and show that you know what you're talking about. In some cases, they can create revenue as a paid post or by promoting a product your affiliated with. Books, software, websites, courses and any kind of resource can be topics for an effective review post.

  3. Interview Someone: Leverage the success and popularity of people in your niche or industry by interviewing them. Approach with a simple, polite email and set up a framework - could be a recorded call to turn into a podcast, could be a set of written questions. Great way to get associated with others and network with them to benefit you both.

  4. Trending Topic: This can be a highly effective way to get readership and attention. Writing about what people are talking about, excited about or feel strongly about already 'piggybacks' existing media and topics. Show your readership you've got your finger on the pulse by covering breaking news before others. This strategy can be a good way to get quick, short-term search rankings as well.

  5. How to...: Find out what your readership or target market want to do, and write a post telling them how to do it. Anything from getting ranked on Google to growing the perfect tomato - every niche is based upon solving problems and helping people do or have something they didn't before.

  6. How not to...: A simple twist on the 'How to' theme, this blog post idea can be very attractive and also carry massive value for your readers. How not to treat your blog visitors, pack a suitcase, cook an omelet - the possibilities here are endless.

  7. The Myth-Buster: Done right the myth buster is a killer post idea. Take a commonly held belief or idea, turn it on its head and reveal the truth... This one's a little harder to pull off, but if you can find a good myth to de-bunk and make a good job of it, there's massive potential for impact and reach.

How To Apply For Adsense From Blogger in Urdu 2014 postheadericon

How To Apply For Adsense From Blogger in Urdu 2014

As Salam-o-Alikum Today I'll Show You How To Apply For Adsense From Blogger in Urdu Easily For Pakistanis So Watch And Try it Easily Adsense tip 2014

How To Apply For Adsense From Blogger in Urdu 2014
How To Apply For Adsense From Blogger in Urdu 2014
How To Apply For Adsense From Blogger in Urdu 2014

Idm Fake Serial Key Solution 2014 Solvet it postheadericon

Idm Fake Serial Key Solution 2014 Solvet it

Idm Fake Serial Key Solution 2014 Solvet it

IDM Fake serial key Problem

IDM (internet download manager) is one of the best available Download manager. Light weight, easy to use and good downloading speed are some of its prominent features which makes him totally unique and powerful among other competitors. You can download IDM from their official website as a 30 days trial version which is free but you have to pay for full version. A lot of people face problem of Fake serial key when they uninstall IDM after using of 30 days trial version and try to install it again so that they can use it again for a month . But the newly installed idm not work for them and they end up in receiving an error of “your idm has been registered through fake serial number or the serial key number has been blocked, IDM exiting”. For to solve this problem, people install new operating system so that IDM won’t show Fake serial key problem, and this method works. But installing operating system after every 30 days isn’t good; most of the people don’t like it. In this post I’ll tell you how you can resolve idm fake serial key problem without installing a new operating system. Without further ado let’s get started.

Solution of IDM Fake serial key problem

1- Open run dialog box and type Regedit then press enter. You can open run dialog box by pressing windows +R key on your keyboard.
2) Now go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER–>SOFTWARE–>Download Manager, then Delete the complete Download Manager folder.

Idm Fake Serial Key Solution 2014 Solvet it
 3) Now go to control panel, and uninstall the IDM.
4) Restart your computer.
5)  Install latest version of IDM, you can download it from their Official website.
And the problem is resolved now you can’t see again weird Fake serial key error . You have to follow the above step in orderly manner otherwise your problem won’t resolve. If you have any question to ask the leave your question in the comment below, we really appreciate it.